Chief Gani Adams, the national coordinator of the Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC), has described as wrong the impression in certain quarters that the socio-cultural group is diabolical.In a statement on Sunday, Adams said: "People erroneously have the impression that OPC is diabolical. But it might interest you all to know that we have people of varying religions in OPC and as a leader, I encourage everyone to practice their religion."In OPC, we believe in using Yoruba culture for our activities. We pray in Islam, Christianity and traditional using Yoruba language."So, I will love if we can accommodate more of Yoruba songs in subsequent editions of this event."We are also hoping to have a similar event for aMuslim festival just as we have for various traditional festivals that we participate across Yoruba land."
The Emir of Katsina, Abdulmumini Usman, has declared support for the Peace Corps bill passed by the National Assembly. The bill, which seeks to turn the Peace Corps, a non-government organisation, into a government paramilitary agency, has elicited mixed reactions from Nigerians. Proponents see it as an avenue to create jobs for thousands of youth while critics describe as a duplication of functions already being performed by existing agencies and creation of another bureaucracy at a time the country is finding it difficult to pay workers' salaries. The bill was opposed by existing military and security institutions in Nigeria and the Peace Corps leader Dickson Akoh is currently being prosecuted for alleged fraud. Apart from lawmakers, the bill is also supported by some prominent Nigerians including the Minister of Sports, Solomon Dalung, who also asked Mr. Buhari to sign to it. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the Katsina emir made a similar call on the president on Thursda...
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